Supply chain issues aren’t going away any time soon.
Stroud enables teams to navigate these challenges in the new reality.

Our 60 Day Breakthrough principles for manufacturing are the same as how we would approach improving your supply chain. We have delivered multiple successful supply chain projects to help our clients’ operations succeed. These are often complementary to Stroud’s projects delivering breakthrough increases in throughput.

We are regularly approached by clients who are seeing critical operational issues related to supply chain shortcomings. This may be downtime, service level drops, or quality impacts - but the problems need urgent resolution rather than another 9-month consulting proposal.

How is our approach different?

Decisions should be made with facts, not dogma.

  • We drive supply chain decisions based on the facts of your operations, rather than strict adherence to a conventional improvement philosophy (e.g. Lean, JIT).

Organization, process, and accountability come before technology and capital.

  • Despite what many consulting firms will tell you, chances are you do not need more or updated technology (i.e. SAP) to unlock 20%+ improvements. Your problems are likely stemming from the quality of information and the rhythm of working within your team - these are better addressed through accountability and process, and that won’t be addressed in any pending technology upgrade.

Integrate the supply chain with operations by unleashing your people.

  • The supply chain is a series of partnerships that require joint decision making and a focus on optimizing overall system delivery. We tear down barriers and bring teams together from procurement, scheduling, manufacturing operations, and logistics to meet plant and network goals. 

Supply Chain Improvement

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