The Opportunity Radar

Over 86% of employees say they don’t understand their organization’s strategy, while more than 90% of managers feel they have not successfully executed the company’s business strategy. Yet, over 75% of organizations claim to have an agreed-upon core business strategy.

What is going wrong?

Data points to strong organizational and team alignment being the challenge¹. Gaining alignment on the top priorities is challenging because each individual weighs the inputs differently when prioritizing. The Opportunity Radar helps generate alignment by making the prioritization process visible.

Aligning the organization around priorities

The Opportunity Radar will benefit you and your team by improving their alignment. The Opportunity Radar enables you and your team to:

  • Spend less time in meetings, more time doing

  • Know and agree what should, and should not, be worked on

  • Better allocate your resources and keep them focused

  • Better communicate the decision-making process and status

  • Improve the certainty and speed of results

How the Opportunity Radar helps

*Please make sure to review our Creative Commons Guidelines before downloading and sharing the Opportunity Radar.
¹Data based on 2014 report by Tompkins.